Memes are meant to be funny, they float around social media giving short caption to pictures. however, these things that are intended to be funny could fuel fake news. People tend to believe what they see. Even if memes are not intended to imply truth, people find truth and form opinions off of them. Above are examples of some memes I see frequently on media. These are things that are available to the masses, and no matter what the intention is they are a form of fake news and they impact the opinions of citizens. These are all memes surrounding presidents because this is still a hot topic. If you someone who did not know much read these they would think President Trump is a brain dead, fascist, oompa-loompa. This may seem funny, but in impacts society. I do not believe that many people consider memes to be a form of fake news, however after researching this topic more I think they are a very serious source of fake news. What do you think?