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Rise of Social Media = Rise of Fake News

Fake news is something that has become a problem in our society. It is fueled by our actions, we are the problem. Fake news is correlated to our use of social media, and the need for interesting stories. According to statista 81% of Americans use social media, and the majority of these people get their news form these sites. This is a huge number, and this use of social media has influenced the rise of fake news. Social media is an immediate source. People do not have to be journalists to put "news" on social media, they just have to set up a page. Social media is where fake news starts and it seems that the majority of users believe what ever they see.
All social media sites need to implement a fake news program like Facebook to stop the rise of Fake news.
The use of social media is increasing every single say around the world, we need to get a grip on fake news before it becomes an uncontrollable issue.


  1. I have been pretty good at setting my Facebook account to "hide" posts shared by my contacts who tend to link to false or questionable news reports, but, nearly everyday, one or two posts still manage to pop up from someone else I am following. It really does appear that more and more people are becoming susceptible to fake news reports. So, I agree that the fake news stories are increasingly being shared on social media and it is become an epidemic. Since people are less inclined to take the time to critically analyze information and separate fact from fiction, I am glad to hear that the social media companies are starting to become responsive to this issue and taking matters into their own hands.


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