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Fake News: The President

President has brought the term of "fake news" into the light even more than it previously was. He is known for claiming that CNN is notorious for fake news, which I discussed in my previous blog. HE has commented and twetted on the fact the CNN is about fake news. 

Image result for trump's tweet about CNN reporter being hit by train  

This is an example of how far this has gone. CNN and trump have a feud that is centered around fake news. Some people question if fake news is a term that is a new fad surrounding the news. It is no secret that the media has been harder on President Trump than it has been on any other president. 
Is this because of fake news? Does the lack of credibility of news confuse people into not knowing what to believe?
It seems that Trump blames the majority of the negative stigma on fake news surrounding his presidency. 
This is still debatable, because fake news is such a new term. WE have not caught up to what exactly fake news it, or how to handle it. However, this has not stopped President Trump or others from making comments on it. 

Image result for Image of trump tweeting about fake news  Image result for Image of trump tweeting about fake news

Image result for Image of trump tweeting about fake news

Above are a few examples of President Trump Tweets about fake news. He is tweeting not to believe what "the fake new media" is saying, and how it is the enemy of the American Democracy.
What do you think. Is president Trump accurate on his tweets or is he trying to cover up his shortcomings by using the term fake news? 
You will here more about this debate in my next blog!
