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Fake News: Debate

Fake news is a new term that was coined around the 2016 election. This is the time that social media stuck its foot into the political world and created controversy that we are still debating today. There are so many questions that float around about fake news, because it is not something that we have had to time to grasp the concept of much less control. Media and the internet are growing faster than the law can follow, it hard to know what impacts fake news has without large studies on it.
There are debates that discuss if fake news is a thing, and if it really has any impact on media or if it is just a phrase that is floating around media outlets.

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This site Debating Matters gives insight on how fake news influence things like the election, and why fake news should be filtered out like Facebook has done. This site discusses how fake of hoax headlines out preform real news in the time of heightened media usage. It is commented that it seems like these untrue stories can persuade people that have not voted to vote in a different way then they previously would have. Most of this is blamed on social media. Social media is instantaneous with views, likes, and reposts. Many including Zuckerberg claim that, social media sites need to make an effort to police content and filter out stories that are untrue for the democratic good. As explained in the link above Zuckerberg realized that his site was compromising the Democratic process and he is making the first steps to combat this. This is something that all social media sites should adopt. The is also the first sign of regulation catching up with social media.
In debates there is also the side that claims that the concept of fake news is just a ploy to attempt to control the uncontrollable internet. It is almost impossible to regulate the internet because it is world wide. This so something the government is struggling with. So the other side of the argument is that fake news is a phrase that is leading to the first steps of regulating freedom of speech on the internet.
There is a very good debate over these two sides of this fake news debate from the Chantham House. This debate is something that everyone should consider. Does the phrase fake news and everything that comes along with in effect the American Democracy? Does it effect it in a way of hurting the American Democracy with too much information, or with the attempt to regulate information?
This is something that will be discussed more in the next blog by really analyzing the two debated sides
